Volunteer Alex Torpey teaching students the alphabet
This month, the CBT is very pleased to welcome Alexander Torpey to Banteay Chhmar. Alex arrived June 2nd, and will be volunteering with the CBT for the next 2 1/2 months. He will mostly be helping the librarians with teaching the students in the CBT library. Alex will provide some much needed expertise with teaching tips and techniques. Additionally, Alex will also be meeting with the tour guides to help them improve their English and hospitality skills. Alex hails from Liverpool, England and will be returning home to begin his career in law later this year. The entire Banteay Chhmar community wants to thank Alex for his help, enthusiasm and support!
Also, we received more help from our friends at Operation Groundswell. As you know, this excellent tour operator visited us last month and donated their money, time and energy to helping some families improve their homes and provide water filters to families. Fortunately, they had a few extra dollars for some additional donations. Two families received mosquito nets and one family received a water storage jar.
And, we have even more good news! Operation Groundswell is planning another visit next month. We are very much looking forward to meeting and working with them again.
- Donating a mosquito net
- Donating a water jar
- Donating a mosquito net