The CBT would like to offer our heartfelt thanks and to honor our patrons over the years. We have received considerable support from both organizations and individuals.
The CBT has been very fortunate to have received support from our beginning. We are very grateful to Agir Pour le Cambodge who was there in 2005 when we first brought villagers together to start discussions about forming a CBT in Banteay Chhmar.
- CBT solar panels
- New laptop computer
- Students read books and play games in the library
Global Heritage Fund’s (GHF) support has been immeasurable. Without GHF, the CBT probably would not exist or be as strong as it is. Their operational and financial support and overall positive attitude towards the CBT has had a profoundly positive impact upon us. GHF’s contributions are too numerous to mention – homestay set-up and improvements; restaurant expansion; marketing and the facilitation of visitors and donations are among a few of GHF’s contributions.
We would also like to acknowledge the support of Heritage Watch. The English-language and tour guide training program will help build the skill level and capacity of the CBT and allow visitors to have a more enjoyable and rewarding experience while here in Banteay Chhmar.
The CBT has also received numerous and significant donations from individuals. We would like to honor and thank them personally.
Thank You to all our Honored Donors!
Ms. Kim Joung Ae
Korea, 2012
Community Library
Minsoo Cho & Hyunsoo Cho
Korea, 2013
Community Library
C P Charitable Trust
UK, 2011
Musical Instruments
Geographic Expeditions
USA, 2011
Homestay Improvements
Gwang Ju Buk-gu Volunteer Center
Korea, 2012-13
Primary School Impovements
Yu Han-Mok
Korea, 2013
Community Library
Vannee H-Doeur
USA/Cambodia, 2010-11
Solar Panels
Heritage Watch
USA, 2013
Anthony & Gina Laurenza
USA, 2010
Website Startup
Christopher Leigh
UK, 2014
CBT Fund
Joseph Marino
USA, 2010
Paul & Joyce Marino
USA, 2011
Movimenti di Coscienza
Italy, 2013
Water Filters
Lee Nayang, Park Taejun, Park Jinseo & Park Jisoo
Korea, 2013
Community Library
Operation Groundswell
Canada, 2013-14
Water Filters, House Repairs, Sanitation and Hygiene
Other Ways
Cambodia, 2011
Kitchen Supplies and First-Aid Kits
Brija & John Robertson
Australia, 2010-11
Solar Panels and Tour Guide Training
Hong Kong, 2012-14
Community Library
Doug Saul
USA, 2012
Homestay Improvements
Bob Stanton
USA, 2012/14
Homestay Improvements and Library
Travelers MAP
Korea, 2012-13
Community Library and School Improvements
Ryan Webster
USA, 2010
Solar Panels
World Fair Trade Group
Korea, 2012
Community Library
How you can support us
The overall goal of the CBT is to become a sustainable organization. We hope, that through our CBT Fund, we will be able to save enough money yearly to cover our operating costs. However, we also understand that this goal may be difficult to always meet. We always want to improve our facilities and to improve the comfort level of our visitors. Below is a list of items that we would like to add.
- Library materials: Educational books and materials (English and Khmer) to help support the Banteay Chhmar community library – a partnership between the CBT, Travelers Map of Korea and Sahasra of Hong Kong.
- Marketing materials: 2 large, laminated banners of CBT activities for trade fairs; color photocopies of tour packages; laminated photos and marketing brochures. $200
- Fans: The homestays need 12 fans ($30 each) so visitors can have cool comfort throughout the night. $360
- Rechargeable lamps 15 portable lamps ($15 each). The homestay owners will be responsible for any maintenance with the batteries, fans and lamps. $300
- Bicycles: 10 new bicycles ($90 each). The current CBT bicycles are not sturdy or safe enough to ride to the nearby satellite temples, barays or Banteay Torp Temple. $900
- Bamboo chairs, cushions: 10 comfortable chairs and cushions for the CBT restaurant. The current chairs are in poor condition. $400
* Partial donations are also gladly accepted
Community Development & Livelihoods
The CBT members all live and work here in Banteay Chhmar with our families. We all have a vested interest in the long-term development and improvement of our commune. We are always interested in community projects such as safe-water, ponds, wells and sanitation projects. Adding visitor activities and improving livelihoods through new income-generation projects such as handicrafts, beekeeping and agricultural production are also important to us. Please talk to us if you are interested in a long-term, sustainable community development project.
CBT Contribution
The CBT will match all donations with either a matching dollar % from the CBT Fund, or with an in-kind contribution (labor, transportation, maintenance, training etc.)
If you would like to support the Banteay Chhmar CBT please contact Tath Sophal, the CBT Manager, for more information about donations.